Power Client Release Notes November 04, 2020. Version V1.0.7613 --> Sierra and Sequoia - Fixed bugs in the following design tools. -- Input Settings -- Multi Function -- Phase and Frequency -- Current Balance -- MISC -- Overclocking -- Output Settings -- PWM -- On/Off Settings -- Telemetry -- Current Sense -- Multi Function -- SVID -- Non-Linear Control -- Feedback Loop -- VR14 -- PMBus Configuration --> Dongle version updated to 59.9 --> Fix defects for Malibu Controller --> Added PowerClient User Guide and Sequoia Help files May 11th, 2020. Version V1.0.7440 General -- Added Malibu controller support. Sierra and Sequoia Fixed bugs in the following design tools. -- Input Settings -- MISC -- Overclocking -- Input Settings -- Current Sense -- Multi Function -- SVID -- Non-Linear Control -- VR14 March 05th, 2020. Version V1.0.7369 The USBXpress device driver has been upgraded to v6.7.2.0 and SiUSBXp.dll is upgraded to v6.7.5.(0)” Sierra and Sequoia Fixed bugs in the following design tools. -- Input Settings -- Output Settings -- Overclocking -- Input Settings -- Current Sense -- On/Off Settings -- SVID -- Non-Linear Control -- VR14 New change requst has been implemented for -- Current Sense -- Non-Linear/ATR January 22nd, 2020. Version V1.0.7326 General -- Added Sequoia controller support. -- Implemented robust error and exception handling. -- New features added Sierra Fixed bugs in the following design tools. -- Input Settings -- Output Settings -- Temparature Settings -- SVI2 -- Overclocking -- Input Settings -- Dell -- Current Sense -- Current Sense Design Tool -- On/Off Settings -- SVID -- MISC -- Phase and Frequency -- Non-Linear Control -- Telemetry -- Multi Function -- PMBus Configuration New features -- Extended VID table range -- Added VR13HC support for LoopB -- Added phase current calibration tool -- Added PI sense calibration July 06th, 2019. Version V1.0.6466 - first release